C h e n s i  lives !


- Colour mutation alopecia / Follicular            dysthropie?


Minutes of a wrong diagnosis     

4.12.98 - the day on which I means my " small grey one " Chang po the first time saw and knew immediately that it is as far, to finally meet the long-preserved desire for a Do Khyi. Chang po would have been my male from this litter. Its fate should employ me much longer than I thought!

What had happened? Diagnosis, and/or suspicion on Colour mutation alopecia with all three grey puppies in this litter. What is that at all? I had seen, knew the effects already the picture of the Dobermann, but with so young puppies I had not ever seen it!

Colour mutation - Alopecia:

Those are concerned genetically " blue " (grey) dog those the dilutiongene doubly put on, here are concerned however not all in a litter, but the illness occurs only very rarely. The skin faded in its color exhibits large pigment grains in the hair shank, these causes hair loss in breaks of the hair crust. Usually shorthaired races are prone to disease.

The dystrophie arises in the faded skin areas starting from the 1. age of live, usually however beginning with the 2. age of live. The skin - / hair changes begin ditorsal at the flanks and spread in the process of several years over the entire body. The tallow glands continue to work, whereby seborrhoe inflammations develop. In the inflammatory skin portions melamin clot form and peribulbaere melanophages. The treatment consists in antiseborrhoe washing with following back fats of the portions concerned to dam as well as the treatment with skin antibiotics around inflammations. Usually the animals concerned must be to euthanize after expansion of the follicle inflammations with wide open, festering portions.

The dogs concerned are otherwise able for life and lively, the hair loss are irreparable.

- it could not have been probably according to the clinical picture follicilardystrophie of the colour matation with the three puppies concerned Chang po, Candra and Chensi.

Follicular dystrophie with black skin (black hair
follicular dystrophy):

Only dogs with black/dark skin are concerned. Disturbed hair growth is brought in connection with disturbed pigment transmission. At the fourth week a progressive alopecia of black hair under formation of hair gleaning begins. Up to 9. month are usually the dogs hairless. Always all black haired regions are not concerned. With the biopsie of skin show up melamin clots and makromelanosome. The treatment takes place via a symptomatic treatment of the secondary dandruff of the skin, which is hair loss as irreparable with all hereditary procedures.

- after Chang po, Candra and Chensi are where grey (blue) and the changes within short time occurred, also this diagnosis could not be appropriate despite the early beginning. With almost all forms of alopecia changes of the melanin carried cells - also with more endokrine (e.g. thyroid subfunction) form or for acquired alopecia in the epidermis.

Acquired Alopecia:

The hair loss results from changes of the follicle, moreover the causes are often unknown. It is stopped nevertheless of the hair cycle with following alopecia. To this appearance alopecia belong as reaction to sex hormons, growth hormones, and/or in the suprarenal body formed the sex hormones, by endokrine illnesses such as hyperkortisolism or hypothyreose. A cause can be also a anti-mitotic therapy (e.g. chemotherapy, irradiation) or an infectious virus illness.

The anagene (skin metabolism) growth phase of the hair is interrupted, from which the formation of abnormal hair results, after the dystrophycal changes are not compatible with normal hair stature come it as required within days to the hair loss. The diagnosis can be only placed under statement of the preceding disturbances, the clinical symptoms. A skinbiopsie is only by diagnostic value if it is made before total hair loss adjusts itself.

After treatment or healing of the causal illness completely the hair loss is in most cases reparable, the hair regenerates again

Why thus it came to the suspicion on a Colour mutation alopecia to the hair loss with these three puppies in the throw, which the Alopecia exhibited partly totally, partly in parts within few days, beginning starting from the fourth week. Only due to the hair and skin color?

The clinical picture seemed to interpret into other directions, after all means demands over two years with the breeder concerned  I got the information suddenly that only two of the three puppies concerned were put to sleep Chensi, which the third lives - has full hair, healthy skin. What had happened? The findings or diagnoses could not be correct!

Chensi  perfectly
healthier, more life-merrily & more vitally Do Khyi

Minutes of a wrong diagnosis !

In the meantime I had the possibility all the biopsi reports of sighting laboratory values of the blood and diagnoses. The result was funny, if it were not nevertheless so sad. Two independently working laboratories came to two different diagnoses. In a case even a laboratory with two different findings at two puppies so of the litter strongly concerned.

The clinical observations, the occurrence of the alopecia in the fourth week seemed to interpret on one " black hair dilution alopezie ". The grey skin, the damage of the hair follicles on one " color dilution alopecia " The changes in the epidermis were called even in a report " follikular dysplasia " - a flexible term!

The blood investigations on hypo thyreoid disease and liver values did not result in findings. Leukocytes were not counted out only at all, were determined just as few the hormone mirror.

Showed me the available laboratory results for all puppies from the throw (black & tan all were without findings), in particular for the " grey ones " concerned at that time, always recurring biopsi material and blood-took with the result that from the beginning only into one, due to the skin color assumed direction was looked for. Actual medical clarifying and treatment were omitted.

In the second consideration that three puppies from this throw at the age got sick between 11 and 12 weeks heavily, everything is noticeable to throw history at the same age, the same symptoms, which had same lethargy and all three at far apart lying places the same, very rare virus illness, which could be healed completely by means of treatment with special antibiotics (with all three did not seize the antibiotics given first) .

They could have bring along this only from the breed place. Why only did the three grey hair changes show? It is assumed from research side that genetically  " blue " (grey) phenotypes are more susceptible in the immune defense. In this available case the skin metabolism was mixed up strongly by the virus illness, then it could come to these hair losses, excessive skin growth and directly beside it the dismantling of skin cells.

With this case however it was remarkable that one of the pathological institutes stated very large interest in this new, alopecia-occures which can not be assigned for further research.

In a clarifying telephone discussion, confronted with the fact that one    " blue " animals concerned and of the genetic from the throw still lives today, without clinical findings and perfectly from an assumed, irreparably genetic diagnosis recovered, explained to me Dr. Bomhard, Munich that he sees only material bio psi samples and not the clinical picture as a pathologist. For the Biopsi material however unfortunately only ignited follicles had been taken.

Only due to the " grey " skin color there pulled here the suspicion of one perhaps " hereditare " illness of colour mutation on the no longer existing hair !

A true clarifying of the cause never took place, in this direction one had not searched! Two puppies were put to sleep, a breed dog was castrated; the breed given up. Fortunately on operation of the animal lady doctor an inspired owner was, which took up a grey puppie despite the dark prognosis

Chensi lives! All hair had again regenerated within 3 weeks. It became with skin and hair a healthy, pretty Do Khyi girl, who the veterinarian only saw to the inoculation dates, for healing the virus illness completely in the 12. week of life  and for castration. Chensi is the alive proof of a wrong diagnosis; a miscarriage of justice over the so short life of Chang po and Candra.

A "setback"on old
Dutch blood lines -
white edges of ear

Chensi a "grey & tan"
Do Khyi - Girl.....
who did not see it from birth it would not believe !

Sources: Vanderlip, dog breed therapy genetics for therapy genetics
Stefanie Peter, Haut and Haarkleid with the dog
Sue Paterson, skin diseases of the dog and the cat
Clay/tone Willemse, clinical Dermatologie
Dr. vet. Bergler, Parasitologe, dermatologist

Author Ruth Reheuser 04/2001

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Copyright © by Ruth Reheuser Alle Rechte vorbehalten
Stand: Friday, 10. December 2004