The Do Khyi or Tibet Mastiff

Appearance and physique "The type of status"


The appearance of the Do Khyi is also today still coined/shaped by different types, probably developed by the breed with isolates occurring blood lines in remote, inaccessible regions of Tibet. In addition, it is conceivable that after the needs of the herdsman, after targeted application and also after the requirements by the quite very different area, this in its extents enormous country, in the construction lighter and heavier types were bred.

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This breed was called already around 1900 of the cynologists a land impact, land impacts is characterised world-wide by a large variability in the appearance, shows however large agreement in the appearance and nature as also in the use within the respective race.
Surely the breeding was certain also in Tibet by the usefulness of the dogs. Everything, not survivable, was selected by the inexorable forces of nature. A selection took place nevertheless by humans regarding size and strength of the breed.

Certain colours due to the faith, in addition, but faith there by preference was surely given to the Tibetan population. Likewise the condition of the hair dress might have quite be independent on the respective, different climatic conditions.
The DO Khyi is thus also today still no uniform race through-bred perfectly after European yardsticks. Occasionally, in order to prevent a genetic depletion of the breed, imported and here used DO Khyi from Nepal, India or meanwhile again Tibet in the breeding. To avoid here exactly paid attention to an excellent nature around setbacks.
Thus it comes that one can see quite also today the different types.

            Cigarette Collecting card Viginia - London with description of race

Collecting card " Bhotean " painted of
Gustav must Arnolt, reproduces from Dwight`s soda society

In all colours of black with white chest asterisk over black and tan with white asterisk, tan can be rather dark to sand colours, the badges differ here clearly in the propagation. Likewise one sees grey, grey and tan, also brown and sable as well as gold to red-coloured Do Khyi can occur. Regarding the colours there are low restrictions to receive around the race health. The occurrence of the white badges is only controlled, also here in accordance with the former conceptions of the people of Tibet.

One can determine the same variability in the hair dress; from quite short over normal stick hair up to the long stick hair almost all versions occur. Is likewise possible “Apso ", this means long hair. 
This type of hair is however also today still another considerable rare piece.  

  November 99 - Winterfur                  Apso?

Except for this exception the hair is always short in the face and on the front of the runs. At the rear side of the runs flags form, to which thighs so-called “trousers". The tail is bushy and in the motion and with attention rolled over the back after a page down-hanging is carried with exception of the summer dress always long. The hair structure in the cover hair is fixed, not silky, the pile closely and fine. In the winter the pile become very close, the dog is in the best way for all inclemency of the weather equipped in each case. At neck and shoulders particularly a close shawl forms with the males, which mediate to the dog a imposing appearance. On the heading the hair forms a crown. The ears disappear optically particularly in the winter almost in the thick hair.

The skin is relatively insensitive and wash and wear, it trains water and dirt-deflecting protective layer. The Do Khyi should not be bathed for this reason actually. Favourable it is also that the dog does not train a typical dog smell. It goes thus the occasional brushing of the hair dress thoroughly. Only in the time of the hair change, which takes place only once in the spring must the dog is daily brushed around the old to remove dead pile.

The skin of the Do Khyi is loosely however nevertheless fixed, forms at the neck no pronounced dewlap.

The paws are largely, compactly, closed and approximately “Cat-paws”. Was noticeable to me above all the fixed connection of the middle bundles, not by skin as at most dog races usually separates by means of a fixed chord. This promotes the firmness of the paws and increases the slip resistance. Likewise a sixth bundle at the fifth regressed claw of the front run - a correct mountain dog thus.

The size of the Do Khyi is likewise not uniform, but varied substantial. In type of status is fixed a minimum size, for the bitch 61 cm and the male 66 cm. Deviations are permitted upward, whereby more clearly, like a mastiff giant stature is to be registered nevertheless not.

Compared with many other races is noticeable in the construction of the building that the Do Khyi seems to be almost square, yet is somewhat longer it than high. This construction increases the mobility of the dog. The back is straight and the croup only one idea dropping. The tail set rather highly.

Source of picture: H.Raeber " of the wolf to the dog"
The front legs are straight, only the front pastern something diagonal. The lay of shoulder are reset well and lying close, likewise are the elbows lying close and fixed the hindquarters being also even and parallel, whereby the branch joint is rather deep. The DO Khyi is well bent, whereby however no overemphasis of the bending is to be determined.

The building of the Do Khyi is also today still likewise muscled strong and fixed. This dog seems to be made almost for the application in the difficult area, the branch strength is enormous also in practice.

In the motion this very strong, bone-strong dog shows a springy, effortless course. With faster pace it is inclined or to ties. Is called that he anticipates with the rear spar and far and sets the paw exactly into the footprint of the first option. From the front we saw an almost cat-like course. As with a cat its spinal column is just as mobile to be able itself to move this avowedly perhaps its characteristic almost noiseless.

The thorax reaches up to the elbow joints and is rather deeply, hart-shaped. The sagging loins not strongly drawn up.

Maxe 13   Mon.

The heading is rather broadly, with difficulty and strong, the head section in approximately just as long as the lip section with pronounced stop and clear occipital protuberance. The foreface should be not pointedly but rather broadly, square and well up-padded. The heading should not work altogether however squarely. The ears are set not too low and form, if they are raised with the heading an approximately even line.

The bites are strongly scissor bite, level bite are permitted if necessary. The lips are strongly, easy down-hanging however thereby with good conclusion. The Do Khyi does not drool. In the general impression is the heading in good relation to the building.

 The eyes are almond, low-lying, easily diagonally placed and are not too closely together Altogether a friendly, waked up impression results.

The Do Khyi is thus well more designed, muscular and healthy dog mobile despite the size a reasonably structured, that quite still is able that begin a way back after to Tibet and with all discussions over the easier or heavier type, should this efficiency not be lost.

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Stand: Friday, 10. December 2004